Here on De Arab Sugar Mum Hookup Agency we have different means of payment which is stated below as follows:
(1) : This means of payment is basically meant for clients outside United Arab Emirates to facilitate easy payment and hook up, In this process you will need to contact our Agent for guidance on how to make the payment via this means or contact our customer care through the life chat at the end of the screen.
(2) Via Du Voucher : This means of payment is for clients within United Arab Emirates, We device this means to facilitate fast hook up arrangement and also for our clients to be able to make payment at easy without any stress and at there door step. To make payment this way the client will go to a supermarket or grocery close to his location get a du card for the amount been charged by the agent attending to him, then scratch the card then take the picture and forward it to the agent attending to him or send it through live chat here to our customer care.
(3) Via Cryptocurrency(Bitcoin) : In this mode of payment you are to make payment to the bitcoin address given to you by the online customer care which after your payment you send your transaction ID to the online agent to confirm your payment.
(4)Via Steam Card : you can make payment with steam card which you can get from a big supermarket and at the worth of the plan you want to go for, all you have to do is take the picture of the steam card and also the receipt then send it to our online customer care.